Chapter 1100 of AARP President, Ray Rozak (R), presented a special AARP Chapter Past President Lapel pin to Candance Lehmann for her service to the organization as Chapter President from 2020-2023. In many ways these were especially difficult years due to the many pandemic restrictions and rules regarding groups and meetings that were in effect during that time. Regardless of the difficulties, Candace prevailed and kept Chapter 1100 active. |
A Mountain View Electric Association Team, led by Jason Matzke, North Operations Superintendent, provided AARP Chapter 1100 with a series of demonstrations and a narrative discussion on the dangers and safety measures associated with downed electrical wires. The Mountain View Team used their especially rigged trailer to graphically show the devastating effects of High Voltages on tissues similar to those in the human body. The 8 June program at the Black Forest AARP meeting was especially appreciated since most of the Chapter members live in areas which have seen downed power lines due to storms. It was however, a good lesson for anyone who might come upon an accident or situation where downed power lines are a factor. The basic safety rule is that a power company must be called before approaching any power line that is down, whether it appears dangerous or not. The Mountain View program and demonstration is available to area youth and adult groups. Call 719.494.2622 and talk to Jason or Avery if you are interested in scheduling a demonstration
The Chapter business meeting focused on the upcoming activities including the Chapter’s 50th Anniversary celebration starting at 1 pm on August 10 in the Black Forest Lutheran Church Fellowship Hall. All friends of the Chapter and current and past member families are invited to attend. Activities will include a presentation by AARP CO recognizing the occasion, a review of the chapter history, and a personal recognition of all octogenarian Chapter members present. Cake and ice cream will be served.
The Black Forest AARP Chapter meets the second Wednesday of each month at noon in the Fellowship Hall of the Lutheran Church, 12455 Black Forest Road. All ages are eligible for membership. Come visit us and enjoy our monthly programs. The next Chapter meeting will be the annual picnic at the Black Forest Regional Park on July 13. Call Candace at 314.330.0411 for more information. |
Deputy Fire Chief, James Rebitski of the Black Forest Fire and Rescue, assisted by Administrative Officer Rachael Dunn, presented an outstanding program “Understanding Wildland Fire and Preparedness in Black Forest” at the March 9 AARP Chapter meeting in Black Forest. The presentation emphasized situation awareness on the part of the property owner. Key aspects of situation awareness, such as potential evacuation escape routes, personal medications, important papers such as insurance policies, and family notification lists were identified as basic items to be included in every disaster preparedness plan. |
Chief Rebitski led a discussion of questions from the membership which covered many practical applications of situations encountered locally. He suggested individuals visit the Black Forest Fire and Rescue web site at to review the extensive list of emergency planning items which are available and should be considered. The Chief also noted the willingness of fire mitigation experts to visit properties and recommend ways which fire danger can be reduced on properties in Black Forest. |
A potpourri of fall events has kept the Black Forest AARP Chapter members busy in the service to the community. The work has included some educational and enjoyable social moments as well.
The Black Forest AARP Chapter presented Jake Skifstad, Shield 616 founder, with a donation check for $1,500 to purchase an armor package designed to protect local peace officers and first responders from rifle threats. The package includes a Trauma Kit Ballistic Helmet, Plate Carrier Vest with Pouches, and Rifle Rated Armor. Shield 616 is a local 501(c)3) organization. |
AARP Colorado took great pride in congratulating The New Falcon Herald Newspaper, and its editor Marylou Doeherman Bride, for the publicity, support, and visibility given to AARP and the Black Forest Chapter 1100, through the New Falcon Herald. The New Falcon Herald has published over 20 press releases from AARP Chapter 1100 over the past two years. Items published include pre-event and public service announcements as well as post-event news releases consisting of reports, articles, and photos. The publicity, support, and visibility given Chapter 1100 by the New Falcon Herald has increased the interest in AARP and Chapter 1100 activities throughout the central Colorado community. The Business Award was accepted by The New Falcon Herald Publisher, Michelle Barrette.
Chapter 1100 President, Ray Rozak, extends an open invitation to all who are interested in service in the local area community. Ray invites all who would like to join or even visit a chapter meeting. Contact Ray at 719.495.6767 for details. The Chapter 1100 motto is “To Serve, not to be Served”. |
Violinist Herman Susser (left) played a long program of of violin karaoke traditional Holiday music much to the delight of the Chapter 1100 members and guests at the December 12 meeting of the Black Forest AARP Chapter 1100. Each selection was greeted with enthusiastic applause from the holiday assemblage seated at tables decorated with poinsettias and other festive decorations.
Stephanie Bevan, Community Relations & Marketing Representative from the Rocky Mountain Health Care Services presented a program outlining the Colorado Springs organization’s operation and how it folds into the national Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) model. She also answered numerous questions regarding eligibility and requirements for inclusion in the program and how the services are funded. This organization is the Presenting Sponsor at the Senior Resource Council’s November 17, Holiday Dinner Dance at the City Auditorium in Colorado Springs, which is open to all seniors who make reservations. AARP Chapter 1100 will also assist by providing some volunteer services in preparation for the event.
(Photo Above) Under the supervision of Chapter President Rozak, and Black Forest Fire and Rescue personnel, Chapter 1100 member, Anna Skinner, uses a fire extinguisher effectively to extinguish a fire.
The program for the April meeting was a presentation by Angie Vehlewald of the Colorado Springs Better Business Bureau. She spoke about the BBB’s Certified Age Friendly Business program in Southern Colorado - the first of its type in the nation. Business accreditation through this program helps protect residents from scammers and other nefarious individuals that could potentially conspire to deliver less than satisfactory goods or services to residents in Southern Colorado. Black Forest Chapter 1100 of AARP has been designated the Best Chapter for Community Service in Colorado for the past nine consecutive years. |
April started with the Chapter teaming again with the Black Forest Fire and Rescue to provide a hands-on class in fire extinguisher use, with real fires and extinguishers.
Rita Fitzpatrick, Chapter 1100 member and member of the Colorado Springs Commission on Aging, presented an interactive workshop addressing the challenges, stresses, and solutions an unexpected individual must be prepared to deal with if suddenly thrust into a position of personal caregiver for a spouse, friend, or relative. (Photo Below) Mr. Rita Fitzpatrick, Colorado Springs Commission on Aging and Chapter 1100 member conducts the interactive workshop on caregiving with the assistance of Jeremaih Mora, AARP Colorado Associate Director-Community Outreach. |
The December meeting of the Black Forest AARP Chapter 1100 was a Yule to Remember. There were
Christmas music provided by the Fermatas Recorder Group in Colorado Springs greeted attendees at the December meting. An extensive catered lunch of turkey, ham, dressing with all the trimmings plus a large array of salad and festive desserts, delighted the 60 plus members and guests who attended. The highlight of the business meeting was the election of Chapter Officers for 2018. Mr. Jeremiah Mora, the AARP Colorado Associate State Director-Community Outreach is scheduled to install the newly elected Chapter Officers in a ceremony at the January 10 meeting. In addition to the installation of officers, the program for the January Chapter meeting will introduce the topic of caregiving for family members and friends. Members were also reminded to consider attending the monthly Senior Social at the Black Forest Lutheran Church the afternoon of January 24. The Senior Social is open to everyone regardless of whether they are members of the Black Forest AARP Chapter or not. Several Chapter volunteers were recognized for their community service supporting the Colorado Springs Senior Resource Council annual Holliday Dinner Dance this past week at the Civic Auditorium in Colorado Springs. It was noted that Chapter members volunteering for events such as this contribute to the welfare of the community, reflect well on Chapter 1100, and support the Chapter’s active role in the community. Last, but certainly not least, a drawing was held for the numerous gaily wrapped Christmas presents which had been donated by the chapter members. Many pleasant surprises were unwrapped and taken home as happy reminders of the day. Individuals interested in doing community service, while having some fun, social activities, and lots of great food, should consider joining Chapter 1100. The annual dues are only $10. All ages are welcome. Photo: Santa and his sleigh bring Christmas gifts to distribute to the AARP Chapter 1100 members and guests at the December meeting.